On February 10, 2015, Hannah met her goal of raising $7,500 to purchase a windmill aqueduct for Solea Water to help residents of Oma, a village in Panama. However, the Oma community was able to work together themselves and improve their spring water source. Solea Water has reallocated her funds to support several smaller project throughout Haiti, where there is great need for improved water infrastructure. These projects will be sawyer filters, fixing hand pumps, providing pumps/tanks, digging wells deeper, etc. We're very excited to see the impact that this can make in an area that truly needs it!
This is an example of a windmill aqueduct that Solea Water installed in the Punta Estrella community in Panama. This is very similar to what Solea Water will likely be doing with Hannah's fundraising money.
Water like this is what the community would drink before the windmill aqueduct was installed.
Solea Water ran several tests to determine which contaminants were present in the dirty water.
This is an example of a windmill aqueduct that Solea Water installed in the Punta Estrella community in Panama. This is very similar to what Solea Water will likely be doing with Hannah's fundraising money.